Pilates Challenge




Ready to join the #COREative Challenge?

Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit.

Let’s celebrate Joe’s birthday (Dec. 9th) the way he would want! With sharing core exercises and connecting the Pilates community! Share your modification to the classical repertoire, add a prop on the mat or any equipment, or create something fresh and new! Together we can grow, learn and celebrate Joseph Pilates the week of December 6-12!

The Schedule

Starting December 6th - 12th

  • Day 1: Hundreds
  • Day 2: Teaser with Prop
  • Day 3: Plank variation
  • Day 4: Extension prone
  • Day 5: Lateral Flexion in side lying/side plank
  • Day 6: Rotation on all 4s
  • Day 7: Flexion using prop

How to participate? Super simple!

  • Follow all hosts and sponsor
  • Use hashtag #coreative
  • Share this page and tag some friends to join
  • Post a Video each day and tag all hosts and sponsor so we can like and comment on your posts!
  • Learn new creative core exercises on your reformer (or Mat)


Take a look at

Our Hosts

Follow the Hosts and tag their instagram accounts during the challenge.

Central Core | Misha Patel

Atlantis Fitness and Pilates | Reed Flanagan

Ole Loves Pilates | Ole Eugenio

Radhikas Balanced Body | Radhika Karle


Want to learn how these videos fit into your own fitness journey?

Then head on over to CORE!  

CORE is your guide on this safe, progressive approach to long-term physical and mental fitness. As you travel the CORE Success Map with your fellow CORE Crew members, you’ll get support, encouragement… and see real results. No matter where you start, CORE will guide you on your fitness goals.

  • CORE Success Map monthly challenges
  • Live Q&A, tips, and coaching
  • Customized workouts of the week
  • Robust library of exercises and workout for additional variation and challenge
  • Access to Core Community

By taking small steps over and over, you’ll build momentum — like any muscle, it gets stronger the more you do it. Every month, Misha goes live to answer your questions on each month’s focus areas. Clarity leads to progress and progress leads to more momentum.

Take a look at

Our Sponsor

Each month, we deep dive into a different physical focus and mindset theme. This combo — tapping the powerful mind-body connection — is what makes CORE effective. Each month’s themes build on the prior month. Your fitness builds in a safe, progressive, proven way.

Curious if CORE is right for you?

Follow us for the COREative event, and connect with us on your favorite social media platforms.